I really excited! I have a niche!
I discovered this wonderful fact while doing some analysis of my business practices to try to figure out how to improve my cash flow. I dislike doing “business stuff” and usually don’t much care for the answers I come up with, but this little analytical nugget made my day.
What is that niche you ask? Well, I’ll tell you. It’s women entrepreneurs.
Yep. Last year just over 80% of my clients were women who either were just starting out, or had reached a point where they were starting to gradually expand their businesses.
Now, I know I truly enjoy my work, but working with women adds another dimension.
Because of its family-friendly policies and investment in women, Canada is an emerging hot spot for female entrepreneurs. But women still face a confidence gap when it comes to starting businesses.
For starters, work-life balance is often difficult for women who have to run both their families and their companies. And this is one area where more traditional gender expectations often still predominate. I can fully understand this, and try hard to take these challenges into account when I work with my women clients.
The hard fact is, there’s no “silver bullet” out there that will transform the business environment for women.
You may be familiar with the quote “You can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone“. So I’m going to try to help as many someones as possible. I’m revamping my business model and aiming it more towards helping female entrepreneurs. These changes, if they work the way I hope, will benefit women entrepreneurs. If they help the larger group of entrepreneurs in general, that will be the icing on the cake.
Stay tuned for more on this.
Meanwhile, here is a good resource for women looking to start, manage and grow their business.
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