Getting ready to start this blog, I’ve been researching. I’ve been checking out a lot of other sites, and reading lots of other blogs for quite a while now. I visit other designer’s sites to see what they have to say. I am finding that they tend to in one of two directions – either they are so technical that they will only appeal to other designers, or they have become an extension of the online portfolio, merely a platform for self-promotion.I don’t want to go in either of those directions here. Oh, for sure I’ll post an announcement whenever a new client’s site goes live, and I’ll post about design issues from time to time , especially if it pertains directly to a project I am working on. But mostly what I want to do here is to create an area of the website where usable information is offered to the client.

I plan to post in a variety of ways, on a wide range of topics. I’ll have some instructional posts, some lists and some collections of research from other sources. And of course I’ll be writing about my own thoughts and ideas as well.

I’ll have suggestions for helping your small business launch, develop and maintain your web site. And if you have any specific areas you would like covered, please email and I will do my best to address those specific concerns.